Television Format as Cultural Negotiation: Studying Format Appropriation through a Synthesizing Approach

Author(s): Keinonen, Heidi


Despite the growing number of publications on television formats, specific theorisations regarding formats and format adaptation, in particular, are still rare. In this article, I introduce a synthesizing approach for studying format appropriation. Drawing on format study, media industry research and structuration theory, I suggest that television formats should be understood and studied as a process of cultural negotiation in which global influences and local elements amalgamate on various levels of television culture (i.e., production, text, and reception); every level includes several sites of symbolic or actual negotiation. These sites emerge in the duality of structure and human agency.

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Preferred Citation
Keinonen, Heidi: Television Format as Cultural Negotiation: Studying Format Appropriation through a Synthesizing Approach. In: VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture, Jg. 5 (2016-08-01), Nr. 9, S. 60-71. DOI:
 author = {Keinonen, Heidi},
 title = {Television Format as Cultural Negotiation: Studying Format Appropriation through a Synthesizing Approach},
 year = 2016-08-01,
 doi = "\url{}",
 volume = 5,
 address = {Hilversum},
 journal = {VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture},
 number = 9,
 pages = {60--71},
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