«Mind the Game!». Die Exteriorisierung des Geistes ins Spiel gebracht


In this article, we explore the interrelation of artificial intelligence and games. Contemporary theories in research in AI and in design point toward the suggestion of a new concept for AI: in contrast to traditional ideas of «intelligence» as an isolated and formal capacity, AI is now being conceived as collaborative exteriorization of the mind. We suggest understanding the history of AI as a history of AI research that is particularly focused on, and has developed in exchange with, games, as well as the challenges this poses for AI development. Our core hypothesis is that games are not only models, idealized problems, or testing grounds for AI research. Computer games constitute what we call «sociointelligent spaces of play». Within these spaces, «intelligence» is mediated in the epistemic intervals of collaborative actions. The question of AI and its artificiality is approached by observing play as interstice between humans and artefacts. Play manifests itself via mutual recognition of different actants. Thus, the traditional concept of AI is substituted by the interplay and the performativity of «Artificial Agency».

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Preferred Citation
Gramelsberger, Gabriele; Rautzenberg, Markus; Wiemer, Serjoscha; Fuchs, Mathias: «Mind the Game!». Die Exteriorisierung des Geistes ins Spiel gebracht. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Jg. 11 (2019), Nr. 2, S. 29-38. DOI: 10.25969/mediarep/12628.
 author = {Gramelsberger, Gabriele and Rautzenberg, Markus and Wiemer, Serjoscha and Fuchs, Mathias},
 title = {«Mind the Game!». Die Exteriorisierung des Geistes ins Spiel gebracht},
 year = 2019,
 doi = {10.25969/mediarep/12628},
 volume = 11,
 address = {Bielefeld},
 journal = {Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft},
 number = 2,
 pages = {29--38},
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