Alessandra Violi, Barbara Grespi, Andrea Pinotti, Pietro Conte (Hg.): Bodies of Stone in the Media, Visual Culture and the Arts

Author(s): Haist, Iris


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Preferred Citation
Haist, Iris: Alessandra Violi, Barbara Grespi, Andrea Pinotti, Pietro Conte (Hg.): Bodies of Stone in the Media, Visual Culture and the Arts. In: MEDIENwissenschaft: Rezensionen | Reviews, Jg. 39 (2022), Nr. 1, S. 35-36. DOI:
 author = {Haist, Iris},
 title = {Alessandra Violi, Barbara Grespi, Andrea Pinotti, Pietro Conte (Hg.): Bodies of Stone in the Media, Visual Culture and the Arts},
 year = 2022,
 doi = "\url{}",
 volume = 39,
 address = {Marburg},
 journal = {MEDIENwissenschaft: Rezensionen | Reviews},
 number = 1,
 pages = {35--36},
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